Scrap Hay. What is it? And What’s it to You?

Farmcolony is a cattle operation with fields of hay grown and harvested to provide for winter feeding of our livestock.  Each year, we mow and bale our own hay and always have a few spoiled bales leftover that cannot be used to feed the animals, usually because of high moisture levels in the bales that allow mold to develop.  These unsuitable bales become scrap hay. “I doubt we have records concerning scrap hay,” Bill explains.  “However, I can say that although we try to have only hay that is good for animals, we almost always have some bales that do not meet that standard.”  According to Dieter, “We generate anywhere from 2-20 bales (of scrap hay).  No typo on the 20," Dieter adds. "I can explain how that happened. I…

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