Farmcolony Bids Farewell to Bill and Ann Bohn

Farmcolony Bids Farewell to Bill and Ann Bohn With gratitude for their twenty-five years of hard work and service to our family farm! On any given day you could spot Bill Bohn’s Kabota somewhere on the farm.  It was easy to spot.  Bill’s Kabota is the orange one with every tool imaginable hanging from its side panels.  Whenever you saw it, you knew something was getting done on the farm. Bill and Ann Bohn moved to Farmcolony in 1998 after selling their small farm in nearby Dyke.  They quickly became key players in the management of the farm.  Bill, a retired Army engineer who had also worked in facility maintenance at the University of Virginia, spent many hours a week maintaining fields, fences, and buildings, while Ann, retired from…

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