Saving our Ash Trees from the Emerald Ash Borer. Or not.

Among the trees being threatened by the emerald ash borers are two large, particularly beautiful ash trees that shade the picnic table located in the orchard (above) and tower over the newly added memorial bench on Colony Drive (below). (photos by Bruce Sopher) How to Detect Emerald Ash Borers Trees have to be treated before they are attacked . Here's how you can tell if emerald ash borers have already attacked. SymptomsCrown dieback: Dieback of the upper and outer crown begins after multiple years of EAB larval feeding.Epicormic Sprouting: When trees are stressed or sick, they will try to grow new branches and leaves wherever they still can. Trees may have new growth at the base of the tree and on the trunk, often just below where the larvae are feeding.Bark splits: Vertical…

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Life — And Death — on the Farm

As farmers, we understand the cycles of life. We experience new life as calves are born or chicks are hatched.  And we experience death, as we lose our animal companions to predators, disease, old age, or difficult birth. It happens. This is the way of farming, especially for farmers like us who surround ourselves with animals — cows, chickens, goats, horses and donkeys, or should I say one special donkey. The fact is we bond with our farm animals. The longer they are around, the stronger that bond. For that reason we not only owe a sense of gratitude to those who give their time to care for the animals on the farm, but for the toll it takes on those that bond with these sentient, expressive beings only…

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