Here's to...
Our heartfelt thanks go out to all of those who worked in the hot, dusty fields recently to mow, ted, bale and haul the hay to the barns for storage: Deiter Haas, Bill Bohn, Angel Cyphert, Lynda Davis and Mike Friedman. Those were the people I personally saw out in the fields. If there were others that I missed, please note them in the comments section below so that we can thank them as well.
If not for these folks who are willing to go out and do this dirty work on the farm, there would be no winter hay for the cows, no cows without winter hay and no income for the farm, since a tidy percentage of our income comes from our cow operation.
So here’s to the men and women who worked in the searing heat to gather our bounty. They are the lifeblood of our farm.