Update on the Emerald Ash Borer

Estimates are in on the cost of treating our ash trees against the emerald ash borer.  According to Deborah who received an estimate from Mike Henrietta, a landscaper, the cost for treating the two trees that shade the two recently-installed memorials are as follows:Colony Drive Bench Tree - $429; Pasturegate Road Gazebo Tree - $312.Sub-total:  $741.  Total: $370.50 (with funding through the the Virginia Forestry half-cost share program).Mike advises that the trees may need to be treated every 2-3 years for about ten years. The emerald ash borer comes through in a wave, killing all ash trees and then dying out for lack of a food source. At that point landowners may be able to stop treating the trees and monitor them only.  Also, less costly treatments are in development, hopefully…

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Saving our Ash Trees from the Emerald Ash Borer. Or not.

Among the trees being threatened by the emerald ash borers are two large, particularly beautiful ash trees that shade the picnic table located in the orchard (above) and tower over the newly added memorial bench on Colony Drive (below). (photos by Bruce Sopher) How to Detect Emerald Ash Borers Trees have to be treated before they are attacked . Here's how you can tell if emerald ash borers have already attacked. SymptomsCrown dieback: Dieback of the upper and outer crown begins after multiple years of EAB larval feeding.Epicormic Sprouting: When trees are stressed or sick, they will try to grow new branches and leaves wherever they still can. Trees may have new growth at the base of the tree and on the trunk, often just below where the larvae are feeding.Bark splits: Vertical…

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