Ain’t we got fun!
When the call came out, Farmcolony residents rallied round to pull and eradicate (not likely) the unwanted perilla weed.
A member of the mint family of plants, perilla is known by many names — shiso, beefsteak plant, Chinese basil, rattlesnake weed, and purple mint. By any name it is a toxic weed that can create respiratory problems in cattle, goats, horses and other ruminants that consume the plant while grazing. Originally from Asia, it is considered an invasive species in the U.S.
Dr. Joel Cline, DMV, Director of The J.B. Taylor Diagnostic Laboratory in Elba, Alabama says that “Livestock poisoned by perilla mint have respiratory problems from lung lesions, with symptoms similar to pneumonia.” Sure enough, Farmcolony has lost some cattle presumably from pneumonia. Were their respiratory problems associated with perilla poisoning? We don’t know. All we do know is the possibility exists.
Farmcolony residents removed many a perilla weed at the perilla pulling party, but much perilla still remains. It spreads quickly and profusely, so eradicating it on the farm is extremely unlikely.
So how will we deal with perilla going forward? More perilla parties? Some experts advise controlling perilla and other toxic weeks with herbicides labeled for pasture use. How to control the weed will likely be a lively topic of discussion among the field committee, the hay committee, the cattle committee, the board, and/or any other interested parties going forward.
At the very least, the perilla pulling party has alerted us to a problem in the fields that many of us were unaware of. We can thank Bill and Ann Bohn for bringing this to our attention, and for organizing this fun event on the farm.