Two Farmcolony Residents Featured in Art Display

Two Farmcolony Residents Featured in Art Display

For our interest and amusement, Greene County Economic Development & Tourism, in partnership with the Art Guild of Greene County and Vyvyan Rundgren in particular, initiated what has become the largest barn quilt trail in Virginia. Barn quilts are painted quilt-like designs on plywood.  The Blue Ridge Barn Quilt Trail in Greene County currently displays over eighty barn quilts throughout the county on barns, sheds, houses, fences, porches and mailboxes and even in gardens.  Many businesses also display the colorful artwork which can be viewed by driving the trail that points out barn quilts tucked throughout the majestic mountain-scape of Greene County.  

Two of our residents, Ellen Thurnau and Ann Bohn, have barn quilts featured on this tour.  Ellen’s barn quilt, “Read, Read, Read,” (shown above) appropriately graces the side of the library facing Main Street.  Her barn quilt is painted to replicate a book shelf loaded with books of various sizes and colors.  Ann’s barn quilt, “Country Flower,” welcomes residents and guests to Farmcolony at the fence entering Colony Drive.  Her “Country Flower” provides a pleasing palette of pastel yellows and greens.

The history of the barn quilt trend began in Ohio in 2001 by a woman wishing to honor her mother by painting a quilt pattern on her barn.  Soon a driving trail was developed that included twenty barn quilt samplers.  The idea quickly spread to 48 of the 50 states.  Our own Ann Bohn organized a couple of barn quilt workshops for residents of the farm which many participated in.  The happy result is several barn quilts hanging at various locations around the farm, such as one created by Barbara Brecht that hangs on the south side of the horse barn and another also created by Ann that is suspended on a barn on Pasturegate Lane.

The Blue Ridge Barn Quilt Trail map can be found on the Greene County Economic Development & Tourism website,  Click on Explore and Barn Quilt Trail.  At the website you can also explore other events, activities, and sites to see throughout Greene County.

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