The Farmcolony Annual Meeting will take place Saturday, August 3.

1 PM – Meeting and Voting

Soft Drinks and Water Provided

6 PM – Dinner

Please bring a dish to share.
Fried chicken will be provided by hosts
Mike Friedman, Kathy Arbour, Miles Lee and Roberta Culbertson.
Please RSVP to Kathy Arbour at or 808-344-6046.

A field of six candidates will vie for three open seats on the Farmcolony Board of Directors. Those running include (in alphabetical order):

Billy Arbour (incumbant)

Kathy Arbour

Bill Bohn

Barbara Brecht

Erich Nitzsche (incumbant)

Malou Stark (incumbant)

We tracked down the candidates and asked them the same set of questions.  Four accepted the invitation.  Here’s what they said.


Q: Why do you want to be on the Board and what do you bring to the table to help the association in these tough times?

1.  I would be willing to serve on the board to help navigate the future of Farmcolony. 

2.  I am a good listener.

Q: What do you think are the three biggest issues facing Farmcolony and how would you address them?

  1.  The long term viability of Farmcolony;   
  2.  The short term viability of Farmcolony;       
  3.   Improving communications at Farmcolony.

Q: What is your top priority if elected?

Looking for more ways to increase our income and reduce our expenses


Q: Why do you want to be on the Board and what do you bring to the table to help the association in these tough times?

I would like to run for the board because I see an opportunity to contribute not only because we are facing hard times, but also for the exciting possibilities for the farm. I have previously served on the board of the Riverdale Housing Cooperative for six years. As a board member, we are charged with the responsibility of creating a vision for the coming year. It is a great time to explore our options, brainstorm possibilities and see what we can accomplish together. While this is not our only charge, it is an exciting and creative endeavor.  

All great achievements require time.  – Maya Angelou

Q: What do you think are the three biggest issues facing Farmcolony and how would you address them?

  1. Sustainability- brainstorm creative viable ideas that increase our potential, develop revenue streams and bring our community together.
  2. Communication- explore our communication challenges.
  3. Participation – explore the ways in which our members are encouraged and appreciated for their participation.

Q: What is your top priority if elected?

Sustainability- Incorporating Communication & Participation.


Q: Why do you want to be on the Board and what do you bring to the table to help the association in these tough times?
I have lived in Farmcolony for nine years now. I was on the Board for two terms and served as secretary for those four years (I think it was for all four years). I am now part of the Chicken Committee, Goat Committee, Horse Committee, and Social Committee.  I very much enjoyed my time on the Board. Bill Bohn reviewed all the FCOPs and I typed them up. We presented them to the Board in 2014 and they should be reviewed and updated by the new Board. I have a good working knowledge of the FCOPs which I bring to the Board.  I do not believe we are in tough times. There have always been bumps and grinds on the farm, and I think things are running quite smoothly. I think we are in exciting times. The exciting thing for me is the new members who have moved here recently. We now have six families with children. They will bring their energy, enthusiasm, and labor to our beautiful farm.

Q: What do you think are the three biggest issues facing Farmcolony and how would you address them?
1) There is not a method in place for people to learn how they cancontribute. We need to make available a list of committees and committee members and meeting dates. The chairs should be charged with recruiting and training new members. This list can be put in the news letter.

2) Dues should be raised!!! This will probably make me unelectable, but we do not pay enough dues. Our bylaws state that dues may be raised by no more than 25% from year to year. I believe there has been one raise in the nine years I have been here by 10%.  This is entirely unrealistic.

3) More social activities. We can have game nights at the farmhouse, outside sports/games on a weekend day. Especially
with so many more children on the farm, there should be more opportunities to get together. The Hodges and I sponsored two musical nights last summer which were a big success. Angel’s pig roasts are a definite bash. Again, with new young families here, we need to come together more often. I think we should also have a “welcome committee” to greet new people on the farm.

Q: What is your top priority if elected?
I think my top priority is for the Board to figure out ways to get more participation. That would obviously include better communication around the farm, including sending out minutes of board meetings.


Q: What do you think are the three biggest issues facing Farmcolony and how would you address them?

  1.  I believe Farm finances are the overarching most important issue facing the farm. In my opinion and based on experience increasing the cow/calf herd to 45 minimum is critical. I believe we should raise them until they are 18 months old, try to expand our market to restaurants, private schools (they buy and use a lot of hamburger), and perhaps farmers markets. We would only have to hay them one winter and based conservatively on current market prices, selling 35 calves a year, at market prices, $94.50/100=$49750. If you take butchered weight, 35X750=24,750X$5.50=$136,100.00.  True, you would have some labor and packaging costs but the farm would still net out way ahead of now.
  2. I believe that having more people involved in the day to day operations of the farm would be the next thing I would like to see.
  3. Finally for the farm to have more fun time activities where all can laugh and enjoy the farm and their neighbors.

Q: What is your top priority if elected?
I think my top priority is for the Board to figure out ways to get more participation. That would obviously include better communication around the farm, including sending out minutes of board meetings.

If you cannot attend the annual meeting, but would like to vote, you can proxy your vote to a member in good standing who will be in attendance.  The person you choose must attend the meeting in order to vote your proxy.  In other words, they cannot proxy your proxy to another.  Contact Farmcolony’s secretary for a copy of the document that your proxy will need to provide in order to vote in your stead.
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